Dental Sedation
Sedation Dentistry for Nervous or Anxious Patients
Sedation dentistry is an area of dentistry that focuses on putting a patient in a relaxed and calm state whilst they undergo dental work. We are pleased to be able to offer the option of dental sedation if you are feeling particularly nervous or anxious about your dental treatment.
Dental Sedation involves relaxing a patient through medication so that the treatment is a more pleasant experience. Whilst the majority of dental procedures can be carried out with the use of local anaesthetic alone, we appreciate that for some patients, the experience itself can cause stress and anxiety and therefore additional medicinal measures can be administered to aid a calming and stress-free environment.
Dental sedation will make you drowsy and less aware of what is happening during your treatment, although you will not be unconscious. Once you are sedated, your dentist may use local anaesthetic around the site of the dental treatment. Local anaesthetic as a paste is sometimes used to numb the site of the treatment. Any injections you need will then be given through this numbed area to minimise any discomfort.
Dental sedation can be administered either via Inhalation Sedation where a mask is placed over your nose and you inhale a sedative gas or via IV Sedation where the sedative is injected into your vein. Your dentist will discuss these methods with you and agree what is the most appropriate.

Inhalation Sedation
Inhalation sedation is a very safe and simple sedation technique. The sedation is administered as a gas – you breathe a mixture of nitrous oxide gas and oxygen through a small nosepiece (this will not cover your mouth).
The nitrous oxide gas will relax you to a point where you feel less anxious and happy for your dental treatment to proceed. You may feel tingling in your fingers or toes, will feel warm and relaxed, and may feel heavy or floaty. You will stay awake and in control of all your reflexes, such as coughing.
Once the treatment is complete, you breathe 100% oxygen for 3 minutes, at which point the sedation is completely reversed and you are free to go home.
You are able to drive home if you wish, though some people are happier if they have someone to drive them home after.
It is important that you let Dr Jeffery know your medical history and any medicines that you are taking. If you think you may be pregnant, you need to let the dentist know. You may need to come back to have your treatment at another time. You should let us know if you are breastfeeding and we will confirm whether you need to restrict what you eat or drink on the day of treatment. If you have any questions or are unclear about having your sedation, then do not hesitate to ask Dr Jeffery.
Inhalation Sedation FAQ's
It is usual to have two appointments. The first appointment will be for an assessment when your dental treatment under sedation will be planned and discussed with you.
The dental treatment under sedation will take place at the second and subsequent appointments. If the treatment is needed as an emergency, it may be possible to have some treatment under sedation at the first appointment.
It is important that you let Dr Jeffery know your medical history and any medicines that you are taking.
If you think you may be pregnant, you need to let Dr Jeffery know. You may need to come back to have your treatment at another time. You should let Dr Jeffery know if you are breastfeeding.
Dr Jeffery will confirm whether you need to restrict what you eat or drink on the day of treatment.
If you have any questions or are unclear about having your sedation, then do not hesitate to ask.
As you receive the gas via a nosepiece, you may get a feeling of warmth throughout your body as well as some mild tingling and light-headedness. You will stay awake and in control of all your reflexes, such as coughing.
Once you are sedated with the gas, Dr Jeffery may use local analgesia (pain relief that numbs the site of the dental treatment). Local anaesthetic as a paste is sometimes used to numb the site of the treatment. Any injection that you may need can then be given through this numbed area to reduce the chance of any discomfort.
Inhalation sedation is an extremely safe technique and whilst a patient may feel slightly dizzy whilst under its effects this passes as soon a pure oxygen is inhaled. Risks and side effects are extremely rare however there is a slim chance of complications including over sedation, fainting and nausea.
Yes, you will be aware but the effect of the nitrous oxide will cause you to feel calm so you will not be worried or anxious about the treatment being carried out.
You will be fully conscious and aware of the treatment - you should not experience any memory loss as a result of the inhalation sedation.

Intravenous Sedation
Intravenous sedation involves a sedative drug being given to you by an injection into a vein. The sedation makes you feel relaxed calm and sleepy and helps reduce anxiety.
We give intravenous sedation using a drug called midazolam. A dose of the drug is given to you by injection into a vein in the back of your hand or in your arm through a cannula. The cannula remains in until the dentist has checked that you have recovered from the sedation. It is then removed just before you go home.
Dr Jeffery and members of her dental team are trained to give sedation. Throughout the procedure they watch you closely, monitor your pulse, blood pressure and blood oxygen levels and treat any problems that develop. They are required to use appropriate monitoring equipment during sedation. There will be a recovery area where you will be observed until you have recovered enough to be allowed home with your escort.
Intravenous Sedation FAQ's
As with the administration of any medicines, there are risks associated with intravenous sedation. These may include:
- A reduction of oxygen in the blood stream due to poor-breathing during sedation. You may be asked to take deep breathes by your dentist, or oxygen may be applied through a small tube in your nostrils to correct this. Your breathing and oxygen levels will be monitored throughout the procedure.
- Bruising at the site of the cannula is common and may take several days to fade.
- Very rare risks include allergic reactions to the sedative drugs or vomiting during the procedure.
Yes, you will be aware but the effect of the drug administered by the IV causes you to feel calm so you will not be worried or anxious about the treatment being carried out.
The Midazolam does have amnesic properties so it is likely that you will forget parts of the treatment process even though you will be conscious throughout. Everyone is affected differently so it is impossible to predict to what extent you will be affected.
We ask that you follow these simple sedation rules:
Bring a responsible adult to take you home and supervise you for 24 hours, they must remain at the practice throughout your treatment. We will provide them with separate instructions to help look after you.
Come in your own transport – either a car or taxi.
Have a light meal and a clear non-alcoholic drink a few hours before we see you.
Wear a sleeveless/short sleeved top.
Wear loose comfortable clothes and flat-heeled shoes.
Please do not wear nail varnish, make-up or contact lenses.
Take any medicines that you normally would, and ensure we know what you take.
Go home and rest after the treatment.
Doctor Jeffery will discuss any concerns you may have prior to the procedure.
It is important that you let Doctor Jeffery know your medical history including any medicines that you are taking. If you take any recreational drugs it is important that you let your dental team know this as these may have an effect on how the sedative drug works.
They will also need to know if you have had any problems with sedation or general anaesthetics in the past. If you think you may be pregnant you need to let the dentist know. You may need to come back to have your treatment at another time.
You should let the dentist know if you are breastfeeding.
Doctor Jeffery will discuss with you what you can eat and drink beforehand. You will also be given this in writing. It is important that you follow these instructions carefully. The information given here is a general guide and as such may differ from that which you receive at the face to face discussions with your dentist. This will be specific to your sedation and your treatment plan.
Before commencing treatment Doctor Jeffery will ask you to confirm consent. This means that you understand the planned treatment and how you will receive treatment.
It is important that you ask questions if you are unsure about any aspect of your care. You will be given the opportunity to do so by Doctor Jeffery.
What To Expect
You will remain conscious throughout your treatment.
You may experience a temporary loss of memory during the time that you are sedated. Many patients have no memory at all of the procedure.
You may feel unsteady on your feet for some hours after. Your ability to think clearly and make judgements will be affected for the next 24 hours.
You may experience some forgetfulness.
Once you are sedated, the dentist may use local analgesia to numb the area where treatment will be performed. Topical numbing gel can be used to help with any discomfort from this.
You will spend some time in the recovery area following your treatment.
You will be checked by the dentist before you can go home.
You must be accompanied by an able-bodied adult who can take responsibility for you following the treatment. The person may need to stay with you overnight. If you do not have an accompanying adult, sedation treatment cannot go ahead. If anything is unclear then please ask Doctor Jeffery.
After the treatment, your judgement will be affected by the drugs. This is similar to the effect of consuming alcohol. You should not drive a car, ride a bike or operate machinery until the following day. In some cases, this may be as long as 24 hours.
You should also not take responsibility for the care of others, use sharp implements or cook.
It would be unwise to make any irreversible decisions for up to 24 hours.
Owing to the after effects of the drugs, care should be taken when using the internet or personal communication.
Before you are discharged, the dentist or dental nurse will give you and your escort important information about your care.
You will be given information relating to any local anaesthetic and the treatment you have received.
The dentist will also provide any details of pain relief as well as how and when to take other medicines.
You will be given a telephone number of who to contact if there are any difficulties or concerns.
Once your treatment has been completed you will recover within the practice as the effects of the sedation wear off. Once you are fully recovered you will be discharged and free to go home.
You should refrain from driving or operating heavy machinery for 24 hours following sedation.
We also advise refraining from exercise straight afterwards too.
Do Not
- Drive, cycle or use machinery for 24 hours after the sedation, as you will feel sleepy.
- Sign any legal document, cheques or make any important decisions for 24 hours afterwards.
- Drink any alcohol before or after the sedation.
- Smoke for 24 hours after the sedation, there is a risk you may drop the cigarette and cause a fire.

The Different Levels of Sedation
Minimal Sedation
You are awake but feel relaxed
Moderate Sedation
You remain conscious
Deep Sedation
You are on the edge of consciousness however can still be awakened
General Anaesthetic
Patient Experiences
The sedation was fantastic and I cannot remember a thing from when the needle was put in until I was standing up and walking back to the car. Any worry, upset and nervousness was taken away and I thank Dr Jeffery and the nurse working with her. Both are absolutely brilliant.
The gentle care, consideration and patience around my anxiety was incredible. The procedures I needed were complex - implant removal, Maryland bridge, bone graft, gum graft, new implants. Following 2 years of sedation, surgery and healing, I now have the most amazing smile and no phobia of the dentist! I actually look forward to seeing Shahrzad, and the rest of the team. I will forever be grateful to Shahrzad for her expertise, her patience, her kindness, compassion and just the wonderful person she is. Thank you!
Any worry, upset and nervousness was taken away and I thank Dr Jeffery and the nurse working with her. Both are absolutely brilliant.
Equally the follow up has been of the same standard. I would highly recommend the practice, every member of staff I have met has been professional and caring.
Everything was explained in advance as to what would happen and on the day everything went smoothly and was completely pain free! I followed all the aftercare advice and have had no issues or discomfort at all. I would highly recommend Shahrzad Jeffery and the practice, a very friendly and caring practice.